Friday, April 15, 2011

4 - 15 - 11 Liam was handing out flyers, outside Grand Central Station. His hair was what caught my eye, neat-looking, different for a guy's style which was bouffant on the top, feminine-looking making his hair very interesting. Liked his oversized black scarf that he wrapped around his neck, over a thin gray cardigan sweater. Had on tight jeans that were tucked into high-top black sneakers and wore a pair of large black sunglasses. On 34th St, this guy said he was a model and had a a red-plaid shirt with his sleeves rolled up. His faded jeans had two large rips on each knee. His longish blond hair in the front, covered his forehead and wore large black sunglasses. The other guy on 34th St. was neatly dressed with a black t-shirt under a khaki trench 3/4 length jacket, black pants and was sockless in his black leather shoes. He carried a large black leather satchel.

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