Photography of men on the streets of NYC (Look Book of Men in NYC) by Vivienne Maricevic
Instagram - @vmaricevic
Copyrighted, All Rights Reserved
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
10 - 28 - 20 Gray, dismal day with light rain. Not many people out, some with masks and some without them. Here's two guys that I snapped their photo. One with mask and another without a mask.
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
10 - 21 - 20 Another mild day in midtown, where I snapped pix on Fifth Avenue and in Bryant Park. People wearing their masks, while others do not and their is a surge in Covid-19 cases. Be diligent, protect yourself and others.
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
10 - 20 - 20 Mild day today in midotwn, not many people out and about on Fifth Avenue. Some are wearing masks and some are not.
Fine art photographer, exhibited & published world-wide. Published photo books include "La Cage Aux Folles (Male-to-Female)" 1995, Edition Stemmle, "She Shoots Men" 2013, Schiffer Publishing, "Male Burlesk 1980-1981, Times Square, NYC, 2024,